Friday, February 20, 2009


That Smells...

Fire blanket used during fire season do smell. However they save lives when a person has no other alternative. They are made of real thick wool. The ones the Country Fire Authority use are red and heavy.

Here we are being 'emcouraged' to go under the blanket (alias smoke coming lower down).

Some of us really pose for photos!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Look Wide Create Section Fire Try

Low down and crawling. :Feb 17th 2009

The Guides chose to go low and crawl outside.

New experience as the blades of 'sundried' grass and the earth were really hard.

So dust and grass went with them.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who does it better

How is this

Invite Country Fire Authority Schools training personal down to really show how its done. Here is a demonstration of how to really crawl fast under a down coming wall of smoke (alias red fire blanket).

Mate ship. That's what comes from team work,sharing of experiances, the highs / lows, sharing
of laughter and tears.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wet Chux Chase.

This relay race needs two chux cloths per team.

Each person 'racing' needs their teams chux to get from one end to the other witout their feet touching the floor.

If you score thry these:

1 score point to each team member making it to the end line.

1 score point for each member getting to the end within a chosen time.

1 score point for each of the other teams members that you touch on the hand.... and so forth.

decide on the appropriate types of scoring available before the game is started.