Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wide game: a continuing activity

  • Four World Center activity. 
  • Bake and make 
  • Brownslea Island
  • Know your knots.
  • Promise and Law game
  • Compass points
  •  Brownslea Island.... a find, locate and be informed activity
  • Survival Game
  • Make Camp Gadgets
  • Best tent entrance with chosen patrol colors and name.
  • if we can obtain a sari then figure out how to put it on.

Checked out the Four World Center Colors

The Four World Centers are part of the links of Unity between all the WAGGGS countries.

each world center has a different color and logo.

Samgam is Purple.              
Our Cabana is Orange.          Pictures
Pax Lodge is Green              
and Our Chalete is deep blue

Friday, March 19, 2010

The world within WAGGGS is divided into different regions.

Checked out Brownslea Island, Poole, England

In 1907 the man now known as Lord Baden-Powell needed an island in which to conduct an experimental camp.Of all the little islands in and around the United Kingdom  Brownslea Island was the one chosen.

A selected group of boys attended this camp.Four Patrols were organised, each with one Patrol Leader and four other members.

Each day of the Program had an over all topic to cover.  The days were divided into manageable time tables, following a set time management flow.  The boys could then know what was to come next and plan accordingly.

At the end of the camp and evaluation was completed and Lord Baden-Powell then made his camp report.  The then King George the fifth had encouraged the camp experiment.  So the report would have been made and given accordingly.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Clean Up Australia

The actual Clean Up Australia national cleaning day lands on what ever the 1st Sunday of March each year is.

Traditionally the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl guides have concentrated their efforts either around the Glendonald Park [the playground and BBQ area] or the Hazelwood South Hall.

Over the years it was found that the youngest Guides got easily bored with the whole thing after about one half hour.  The older Guides got distracted after about one to one and a half hours.  So now there is a flip side to the service activity.

Coinsiding with the day is a Teddy Bears Picnic and Activities in the Park (about one hour worth).  Usually the Teddy Bears picnic starts at just after morning tea time.  And the Activities begin about three quarters of an hour later.  This way the youngest ones can go back to cleaning up the Park or just progressively make their way over to the Activities in the Park.

needless to say to have these activities going on there needs to be Adult volunteers.  Please feel free to speak to the District Leader and ask for the necessary plans, paperwork and other District Team Members participation schedules.

Catching up on all these activities might be easier when you are invited to 'meet' with others with the District Facebook group.